When It Comes to Business, It’s Personal

Choosing to start your own business is a personal endeavor. It involves analyzing your own strengths and weaknesses, admitting gaps in knowledge, and taking risks. But when it comes to the work I do and why I do it, the “personal” goes beyond me and my company.

What really drives me in this work are the clients and the community. The relationships and connections are byproducts of working together and building a foundation for security. When that foundation opens doors, secures a nest egg, or provides opportunities for those within the community, the change is transformational.

For most of us our money mindset is formed when we’re young - too young to understand what “money mindset” even means. We picked up on the emotional language around money in our childhood homes. Some will remember the stress over paying bills, the fights over spending. Others grew up with a code of silence about money. The topic forbidden and the mystery that invokes informs a child’s perception on money. This can settle into our subconscious just as much as the fights and stress do for others. Usually we don’t even realize how our thinking about money affects us until it show up in the form of debt, or as an obstacle to higher education or starting a business.

This is common. Normal, in fact. Yet so many of us take it as a personal failing. If we’ve never been taught or guided, why do we blame ourselves? If our parents and grandparents were never given the knowledge or the access, why do we feel shame? Why do we assume it’s intuitive for everyone, that the playing field is even? Would we blame someone for not knowing how to swim if they were never around water?

This is why it’s personal. Money - and all it entails - is personal to each of us. We all come with our own history, memories, and emotions connected to money. We all have things we have to learn and unlearn regarding finances. I know because I’ve been there. I understand what it is to be stuck financially, to feel overwhelmed and unsure. I can relate to the worry lines etched on the faces of the people I meet. I know the weight of carrying that around. And I know the relief of being unburdened.

This is why my business is very personal to me. When I see my clients walking lighter, their worry lines turned into smiles, I see hope and promise. I feel the shift in their attitude and the evolution in their mindset. It’s an amazing thing to behold and something I’m honored to be a part of with my clients.

It’s watching a young mom go from financial insecurity to confident and sure. It’s helping a new business owner find solid ground and hire more people. It’s teaching someone in the community how to save for retirement. Seeing the peace and calm in their eyes where stress and fear used to reside. It’s knowing that each person who gains financial literacy passes it down to their children, and their children’s children. It’s watching, in real time, as misconceptions and misunderstandings about finance fall away.

It has never been about just numbers or strategy. Those are the tools we use to craft a new financial future. Vital tools, but not the reason for what I do. It’s about what those tools help build. It’s more than investing or financial planning or improved credit scores.

It’s about empowerment.




Peace of mind.

It’s seeing transformation happen and generational cycles fall away.

This is why it’s never just about business. For me, it’s always personal.

At KKS Financial, we partner with individuals and families to help guide them through the world of personal finance. We have made mistakes, too, and are here to be vulnerable with you as we move through this journey towards better financial habits. Contact us today if you feel ready to take the first step toward true financial freedom.


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